Monday, July 13, 2009


Most people who have read my blog and/or facebook status updates know that the husband of one of my very best friends is battling cancer ... and he is putting up quite a fight. Dr. Matt Uday is a dentist and one of his patients writes for the News/Free Press and wrote a great story featuring him.

Please take a moment from your busy lives and read this article ....
( just put your mouse over the links to click to the article )

Then .... help fight cancer by supporting Matt Uday and his team of cyclists raise money to fight cancer here... This is from Matt and Megan's blog

"I am doing everything that I can to fight the cancer within my body, but it is time to extend the fight. On the weekend of August 28-30 I will be involved with the Pelotonia, a bike tour for cancer. The event will be held in Columbus, Ohio, and 100% of the money raised will go towards cancer research at the James Cancer Hospital at Ohio State University. You may recall that this is where I received my second opinion. Lance Armstrong and his Livestrong foundation are supporting the event, and Lance will be participating in the ride as well as speaking at the opening ceremony. Each rider is responsible for raising $1000 towards the cause. My family has put together a Peloton (or team) in honor of me, and my parents, sister, and brother-in-law will be riding in the 50 mile tour. Megan and I will be volunteering.

This will be an amazing event, and an incredible opportunity to raise money for cancer research. Many of you have asked how you can help, and some of you have asked if there is a charity that you could donate to in my name. Well, here is your chance. 100% of your donation will go to cancer research.

If you would like to donate to the fight against cancer you can donate to our Peloton. Donations are tax deductible and can be made directly to our team on the website. You can find us by typing in the team name, Amaizin’ Matt Domestiques, or the team ID #3679. If you do decide to contribute, please donate under the team name and not under my name. As a volunteer I am not required to raise any funds, but by donating to the team the funds raised will be shared amongst the riders in order to reach their fundraising goals.

I could not keep up this fight without your support, and only together will we ever find a cure.



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