Friday, April 17, 2009

my amazingly brave niece

As many of you know , this week my family was thrown a curveball with my niece's sudden diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. We've never had diabetes in the family, so we are all learning new things this week. My nieces and nephew are an integral part of my life, and I have enjoyed moving back to Michigan and having the chance see them every day, and watch them grow up.

Sara, faced the diagnosis with courage and bravery , unlike anything I could have done. I am so proud of her, I can't even find the words to accurately describe the grace of this brave 11year old. I snapped a few pics when she was in the hospital, reading a book about Rufus, the diabetic bear. She also saw his medical bracelet, and is anxious to personalize her own. Her outlook , and maturity beyond her years is an inspiration .

As a family we realize how grateful we are that it is a treatable disease, many at Mott's Hospital were not so fortunate. If nothing else, take this blog post has a little reminder to keep others in your prayers, and be grateful for all that you 've been given. I'd like to thank all of the wonderful people who have offered tips, advice, suggestions, meal plans... we are a truly blessed family. Thank you all so much!

And Sara, Ryan and Megan... I am very proud to be your aunt. :) Love you.

1 comment:

Emily said...

The boys and I just met Sara last week at Eme's birthday party. We are sorry to hear she is dealing with this, but are glad she's facing it with lots of courage and family support! Our thoughts are with her and her family.
Emily Piniatoglu