Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Old Mission and Torch Lake

Hi everyone!

I went to Northern Michigan to see my good friends , Ann Detar Green in Torch Lake ( no Madonna or Michael Moore spottings to report) and the Patton family in Old Mission.
I was so impressed by the community feeling in Old Mission. I met the Patton family when I was living in San Diego, and we'd share our Michigan connection. The Pattons love their place in Old Mission and I was so impressed by the entire community and I was glad I finally made it up there.

It was like a Norman Rockwell painting. Quinnessential summer, kids playing in the water, riding bikes and even neighborhood baseball games . I was just as impressed with the history, many of the cottages where passed on from one family member to the next, each generation bringing their children up for a taste of what they remember their childhood to be. It I remember one parent saying to another, " Can you believe that we are the parents now?"

If you want to see the pictures from my time Up North.. go to katfoleyphoto.com and click on proofing -- the password is "mission". I tried to post them on a free site, but there were so many pictures that it crashed my computer! So i posted them on my professional site, because it loads much faster. If you would like copies of any of these pics, email me the number ( it is listed underneath the image) and I'll post that one to a free site so you can print it.

If you are looking specifically for the baseball game pics, i think they are around page 16-18.

Questions? Email me at katfoleyphoto@yahoo.com

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